Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Tongue Massages

That's right. I now get to perform "tongue massages" on my son. What a way to bond.

Luke has apparently had his tongue to the roof of his mouth every time he's tried to nurse. While not a huge problem, I don't understand why it took FIVE lactation nurses to finally have someone figure out what was really wrong.

So now, I have to wear a latex glove and massage Luke's tongue with my index finger. It's pretty weird, to say the least. Evidently it will train him to keep his tongue down when he nurses.

They came up with a couple other tricks for us to get him nursing properly. The smart little guy still knows that if he's stubborn long enough, he gets his milk nice and easy from a syringe.

I've come up with a theorem. You know, those little rules you learned in physics. I call it the "Fetal Position Equivalence Theorem". The rule is as follows: "The parents of a newborn will at some point end up in a fetal position state greater than or equal to the fetal position of the newborn." Usually, we feel it around 4 a.m. when Luke's in one of his active states. Although he's been a great baby and not really crying, it's still 4 a.m. You remember playing the original Sims when your character would fall asleep on the spot he was standing? I've been close a couple times.

Although the last couple days, Luke has been sleeping a lot. He's gone as long as five hours without stirring. Unfortunately, the doctor and nurses say that four hours is as long as you should go without a feeding. What the? Now come on, if we can sneak in five hours of sleep because our baby is naturally sleeping that long, why can't we?? Let's see how you like waking to an alarm to wake your sleeping baby up in the early morning. No, of course we didn't go back to sleep for another hour. No, of course not...

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