Sunday, August 5, 2007

Yum! A Finger!

Luke was great today. He was active and awake for several hours during the daytime, which gives us hope that he'll sleep tonight. This is good since I have to head back to work tomorrow.

He will usually focus on us for a little while when he's active, but then he'll start to stare at random blank spots on the wall and seem to be really concentrating on them. I think he's playing a game of "made you look!" with me.

We've started backing off on the amount of syringe feeding Luke has been getting. So now, he spends a lot more time nursing. While he's getting plenty of food, he takes FOREVER to get it. Melissa is typically nursing for an hour at a time just with him now. He's eating every 2-3 hours. That's 8 hours a day nursing. I wish I could spend 8 hours a day eating.

We've been watching "Friends" basically nonstop. The theme song is getting ingrained into my head (sorta like the baby crying thing). I swear, if Luke's first words are "I'll be there for you", I'm throwing away all our TVs.

Luke has also decided he's anti-environment. Our combined total yesterday was around 13 diapers. There were two seperate times I changed three of them between feedings. Seriously, kid.

Tomorrow Melissa gets to spend most of the day handling Luke by herself. I expect about 50 calls at work. We'll see!

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