Monday, September 10, 2007

Rolling Over

We told you Luke was freakishly strong. He has proven this theory with his latest "milestone". He rolled over multiple times last week. From what I've read, only some babies can roll over even at three months, and we're at half that.

Luke will also stand up under his own strength (with us keeping him from falling) for several minutes. He will fully support his head, although he still will wildly flail his head around sometimes when he loses control. I'm waiting for the day I come home and Melissa has a giant bruise on her chin.

He's still growing rapidly. His food consumption has increased slightly, but Melissa is keeping up fine. He's eating a lot faster now, so nursing him doesn't take hours at a time; a welcome relief.

He's finally started clumping his diapers together, so we have fewer per day. We've read a lot of material claiming that a nursing baby's poop doesn't smell that much. We disagree. I personally have a sense of smell so poor that I usually step on the skunk before recoiling. However, there is definitely a smell when Luke lightens himself. My thought is that once the baby begins eating solids, the smell will be so relatively bad that I'll think the nursing smell was heavenly.

Luke continues to smile more often. He focuses quite well on things that attract his attention. Flashing lights with music are his favorite.

Missy and I also have a theory that Luke is aware that I have a difficult time putting him to sleep. He will NOT go to sleep for me. Melissa thinks I'm just not patient enough, which is partially true, but I really do wait until he appears to be out like a light before I leave the room. The problem is ten minutes later he wakes himself up.

By the way, there is a built-in sedative in breast milk. The thing is that it really only lasts about ten minutes for us. You'd think that when heavily drugged like that, Luke would just stay asleep. Not the case. After a meal, he's usually completely unconscious, but ten minutes in the crib and the howling begins.

I can't complain, though, he IS sleeping during the night, which is excellent at this stage. He's still waking up about twice during the night, but it's regular and predictable.

During the day, when he naps, Luke grunts. When I say that, I mean he grunts CONSTANTLY. Half the time, you'll hear associated farting. But half the time, it seems like he's doing it for fun. Weird.

We finally took Luke to church on Sunday. He seemed to enjoy the singing, then he fell asleep during the sermon (ha!). We had one instance where he smelled, and promptly farted on Melissa when she checked his diaper. I haven't seen her turn that red with laughter in a long time!

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