Monday, September 10, 2007

Luke Blows Mommy Away

I know that Matt normally writes our posts, but I feel I have to clarify on the farting situation. You see we were sitting in the balcony at church. It was the quiet time right before communion begins when I decided to see if Luke had a dirty diaper. He was sprawled over my lap as I carefully pulled back a portion of his diaper to peek inside. At that exact moment (my hand holding the diaper open and my face not too far away) that he lets out one of his powerful, wet sounding farts! Keri, who was sitting beside me observing the situation, and I both found this to be hillarious! We were trying desparately to stop laughing so that we wouldn't disturb the people around us. I think the guys passing around the comminion trays thought we were nuts because by that time I was wiping away tears from laughing so hard! Luckily, Matt volunteered for the diaper change.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very amusing about the farting in church, they always seem to know the right time! I'm sure God's fine with it! Nolan had an occasion when he had 2 full, head to toe "blowouts" during mass. Seriously, poo all up his back to his hair. It was smelly and gross....sadly, the smells are much worse now.