Saturday, July 28, 2007

"I don't control the world anymore, Matt! He does!"

Eight straight hours of fussy feeding can take a toll on even the controller of the world. Melissa was finally starting to lose patience (I had lost patience within the first twenty minutes). Luke will currently nurse for just a few seconds, then just lay there and almost fall asleep. If we tried to move him, he would complain in a loud way. We think he's trying to get the best of both worlds, but this obviously won't work too well for mom. I tried to hold him a couple times to give Melissa some rest, but my lack of milk just wasn't cutting it.

Around 1:30, we had a nurse sent from heaven who suggested she try to calm him in the nursery for a couple hours. We happily took a couple hours of rest. When he returned, his behavior was about the same. Aren't babies supposed to sleep a lot??

We had him stay at the nursery for another 90 minutes after being weighed this morning. So we're feeling pretty good with our 4 hours of sleep.

Our pediatrician said Luke looked great, so we'll be closing up shop and heading home sometime this morning.

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