Friday, December 26, 2008

Sample of Luke's vocabulary

Here's an incomplete list of words he knows and how he says them currently at 17 months:

grapes - grapes
blu-bah-grapes - blueberries
arf - dog
ge - cat
uh-oh - dropped
more - can I have that?
da-da - person
go byebye - outside
please - Yes I want that
babies - children
abbles - apples
bah - bath
nana - banana
gahbah - turkey
bahbah - chicken
eye - eye
feesh - fish
gah - car
off - operate a switch, turn a light on
fall - fall
wall - wall
ball - ball (thank you Dr. Seuss)
gerkle - circle
all done / all gone - put away or can't have anymore
jump - jump
nigh-nigh - go to bed
guh (said with mouth closed) - juice
cheese - cheese
teeth - teeth
up - get up, pick me up
no - no
bock - block
di-pah - diaper
ock - sock
goo (w/ mouth closed ) - shoe

He's starting to parrot us a lot more now, so he's learning them quickly. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!

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