Wow! The past couple of weeks have been a busy learning time for Luke. He's now sitting up for several minutes unassisted. He's taken several falls from this position, but he's getting better at maintaining balanace. Luke has many new toys to explore. One of his favorites is a singing frog named Tad....that counting song stays in your head for many hours!
Luke is more willing to try some solid food now. He does, however, prefer to take the spoon and attempt to put it in his own mouth. This usually results in cereal or fruit everywhere!
One of our favorite accomplishments is Luke's newfound ability to say "dada!" He doesn't distinguish when he says it yet, but he knows how to say it. We're still working on "mama."
Luke didn't quite know what to think of all the Christmas celebrations we had. He did enjoy trying to eat wrapping paper!
Luke still prefers to roll to his side or stomach after we lay him on his back. We usually hear a loud "thump" about 10 minutes after we lay him down. This is the sound of him rolling and hitting the side of the crib. He seems to be sleeping better at night though!