Friday, December 26, 2008

Sample of Luke's vocabulary

Here's an incomplete list of words he knows and how he says them currently at 17 months:

grapes - grapes
blu-bah-grapes - blueberries
arf - dog
ge - cat
uh-oh - dropped
more - can I have that?
da-da - person
go byebye - outside
please - Yes I want that
babies - children
abbles - apples
bah - bath
nana - banana
gahbah - turkey
bahbah - chicken
eye - eye
feesh - fish
gah - car
off - operate a switch, turn a light on
fall - fall
wall - wall
ball - ball (thank you Dr. Seuss)
gerkle - circle
all done / all gone - put away or can't have anymore
jump - jump
nigh-nigh - go to bed
guh (said with mouth closed) - juice
cheese - cheese
teeth - teeth
up - get up, pick me up
no - no
bock - block
di-pah - diaper
ock - sock
goo (w/ mouth closed ) - shoe

He's starting to parrot us a lot more now, so he's learning them quickly. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Tree

Luke helped us build the Christmas tree this year!

Luke's New Moves

Check out my new moves! Christmas music is my favorite!

Snowman with Aunt Jenny

Aunt Jenny helped Luke build his first snowman!

First Snow

Luke was lucky enough to experience his first real snow as a toddler the weekend after Thanksgiving. He loved being outside, but wasn't so sure about actually touching the strange white stuff covering the ground.


Luke enjoyed a wide variety of food on Thanksgiving this year. He also hugged his cousing Macy for the first time!